Our Fishers
Red Fish Co. Team
Fishing Vessel: Ocean Queen
Species: Blackcod, Thornyheads
“I love keeping our family tradition going and providing seafood for the people!”
Peter and Luke Halmay
Fishing Vessel: Moto
Species: Sea Urchin, Top Snail
“Diving opens up a new world where the environment changes all the time. Diving has never been work, making money is a bonus, not the reason.”
Haworth Fish
Species: Most long species like tuna, opah, wahoo, and more based on season and availability
“As much as possible I want to feed San Diegans and give them the experience to what San Diego seafood is all about .”
Johnny Glawson
Fishing Vessel: Nicole Ann
Species: Crab, Lobster Sheepshead Rockfish
“I fish because I love it. I’m excited about the boat to table movement to show people what fresh fish is.”
Dan Major
Fishing Vessel: Plan B
Species: Rockfish, Mackerel, Crab, Lobster, Whelk
Dan has been fishing commercially for 25 years and fishes to feed the people. On Saturdays you can find his family with him selling live product.
Shane Slaughter
Fishing Vessel: Hiro Maru
Species: Live Spot Prawn
“I enjoy the wide-open space the ocean provides, experiencing new things each trip, and the autonomy of fishing offshore.”
Nick Haworth
Fishing Vessels: Gutsy Lady and Elizabeth H
Species: Tuna, Opah, Lobster, Swordfish, Monchong, Sheepshead
“I fish because it has been one of my favorite activities since I was a kid and to keep the family business going.”
Fukushima family
Fishing Vessel: Three Boys and Jolene Ann
Species: Swordfish, Halibut, Yellowtail, Squid, Rockfish
“We fish because we love the ocean and fishing.”
John Law
Fishing Vessel: WILD WEST
Species: Rockfish, other bottom fish
“Proud to be an American in a time of national need. “
Zach Roach
Fishing Vessel: Fish Addiction
Species: Rock Crab, Spider crab, Whelk Snails
Carri and Wayne
Fishing Vessel: La Barca
Species: Rockfish
Wayne grew up fishing all over San Diego and started commercial fishing when he was 14, targeting Rockfish along with other species as well. Now just a few years later, Wayne and Carri love recreational fishing all over and continue the love for commercial fishing to help provide fresh fish to the community.
Jordyn Kastlunger
Ever wonder who is behind our website and all of our social media (Facebook, instagram, stories, email, etc.)
Jordyn is a third generation fishermen. She has been a part of Tuna Harbor Dockside Market for 9 years.
David Hutto
Fishing Vessel: Terrlinger
Species: sandabs, swordfish
Kris Honing
Fishing vessel: Elizabeth H
Species: Swordfish, longline tuna
Shane Volberding
Fishing Vessel: Meat Wads
Species: Pacific Mackerel, Spanish Jack/ Mackerel, Yellowtail. Barracuda, and Dorado are seasonal catches.
“My goal is to bring premium quality mackerel fish to the market every week, I like some diversity with consistent catches of Yellowtail. I fish to learn or see something new, something interesting. I have yet to see the same thing happen twice on the ocean”.